We are a subordinate lodge of Delaware's Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge. I am honored and delighted to greet you on behalf of Stone Square Lodge's cabinet members, past masters, and brothers and welcome you to our website.
Stone Square is dedicated to promoting and enforcing the high doctrines of Prince Hall Masonry. We transform those principles from mere concepts into actual realities through our actions and community-based activities. Our first commitment is to be a charitable and benevolent organization. We are an organization dedicated to sustaining and educating awareness while providing assistance that capitalizes on genuine opportunities to make a difference. We look forward to continuing to make a difference in the lives of our community's youth, senior citizens, and those in need while also looking for ways to prepare a means of expression for our future. This includes reflecting on and honoring our rich historical legacy.
I appreciate your interest in our website. We hope you will find the content informative and educational as you continue to explore our site. Furthermore, I hope you will gain a better understanding of who we are, what we do, and the various programs in which we participate to promote the overall mission of Prince Hall Masonry, such as assisting the less fortunate, providing scholarships, caring for widows and orphans, and engaging the community. Our lodge's involvement in these programs has made a significant difference in many people's lives.
Please don't hesitate to return to our website for updates on our events and various activities. I would greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions to keep this website up-to-date and informative. Stone Square Lodge meets at 208 E. Lake Street, Middletown, on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:30 p.m.
WM. Craig Wilson